5 Sensory-Friendly Activities for a Fun Weekend at Home

Finding engaging and sensory-friendly activities for children with special needs can be a challenge. But fear not, we've compiled a list of 5 fun ideas that are perfect for a weekend at home. These activities cater to different sensory needs and will keep your child entertained while promoting essential developmental skills. Let's dive in!

DIY Sensory Bins:
Sensory bins are an excellent way to engage your child's tactile senses. Create a themed bin by filling a large container with materials like rice, beans, sand, or water beads. Add small toys or objects that match the theme (e.g., sea creatures for an ocean bin) and let your child explore, scoop, and pour to their heart's content. Sensory bins can be easily customized to suit your child's interests and preferences.

Homemade Playdough:

Playdough is a fantastic sensory-friendly activity that promotes fine motor skills and creativity. Make your own playdough at home with a simple recipe using flour, salt, water, and food coloring. Encourage your child to create shapes, animals, or objects, and provide tools like cookie cutters, rollers, and stamps for added fun.

Painting with Texture:
Add a sensory twist to traditional painting by incorporating various textures. Use materials like bubble wrap, sponges, or textured rollers to create unique and exciting patterns on paper or canvas. Experiment with different colors and materials to see which ones your child enjoys the most. This activity stimulates visual and tactile senses while fostering creativity and self-expression.

Indoor Obstacle Course:
Create a sensory-friendly obstacle course at home using soft and safe materials like pillows, blankets, and cushions. Incorporate sensory elements like crawling through a tunnel made of bed sheets or walking on a balance beam created from a pool noodle. Adapt the course to your child's abilities, and remember to offer plenty of praise and encouragement along the way!

Calming Sensory Bottles:
Sensory bottles are a great way to soothe and calm children with special needs. Fill a clear plastic bottle with water, a few drops of food coloring, and glitter or small objects like beads or sequins. Seal the bottle securely and let your child shake and observe the swirling colors and movements inside. This activity provides visual stimulation and can help improve focus and self-regulation.

These 5 sensory-friendly activities are perfect for a fun weekend at home with your child. They cater to different sensory needs while promoting essential developmental skills. Remember to always supervise your child during these activities, and most importantly, have fun together! 

Exceptional Kids