What are Life Care Planning Steps?


Special Care Planner specializes in working with caregivers to provide counsel, direction, and solution’s for special needs caregivers to ensure that both the current and future sustainable needs of the dependent ore met.  These professional advisors do this by:

  • Identifying and addressing the primary issues that special needs caregivers have with regards to sustainable care for the child/dependent.

  • Create a life care plan vision by discussing goals, dreams, wishes and visions for the future care of your loved one.

  • Discussing guardianship and alternatives. Because this is such a personal decision it is critical that the entire support group/family be included in these discussion

  • Identifying available resources that will be available to perpetuate the funding of the child/dependent

  • Determining the cost of life care! Because dependents will often times outlive a caregiver, it is critical that the quantification of future costs be assessed so that the assets left behind to help supplement the ongoing need is sufficient to cover these supplemental needs.

  • Preparing a Letter of Intent that essentially provides a set of ‘instructions’ to offer the custodian/caregiver a set of intimate insights to the child/dependent’s needs, desires, limits, expectations, etc.  This document is a living, breathing, liquid document that provides any future caregiver guidance on how best to meet the dependents needs.

  • Helping to provide insight and guidance in setting up and preparing the legal documents necessary to help ensure the smooth transition at the passing of the primary caregiver. 

These documents will require the use of a qualified special needs planning attorney in setting up guardianship, last will and testament, and special needs trusts. The effort in creating a life care plan for a loved one is a difficult journey.  The benefits of creating one however ensure that those that we care for have the best possible chance for sustained care.

For more information on how the Special Care Planning Team can help you with your planning needs, contact Darren Scrimpshire, Special Care Planning Team leader, dscrimpshire@financialguide.com or 210-384-5366.

The Special Care Planning Team of MassMutual South Texas is an innovative outreach initiative.  We have members of our team with the Chartered Special Needs Consultant (ChSCP) designation from the American College.   Local firms are sales offices of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual), and are not subsidiaries of MassMutual or its affiliated companies.  Neither MassMutual South Texas nor any of its employees or agents are authorized to give legal or tax advice. Consult your own personal attorney legal or tax counsel for advice on specific legal and tax matters.