Sensory Processing Disorder is a condition in which the brain has trouble receiving and responding to information that comes in through the senses. Formerly referred to as sensory integration dysfunction, it is not currently recognized as a distinct medical diagnosis.
Read Morehere are so many great organizations that provide resources for children and young adults with special needs. Consider making a donation to help promote awareness and inclusion in our community.
Read MoreMake 2019 a great year and enjoy giving back to your community.
Read MoreThere are many things to look forward to at age 18. However, for some, it can be particularly challenging and troublesome to parents of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. So, is all lost or is there something that can be done to make sure your new adult is properly cared for?
Read MoreA Special Care Planner specializes in working with caregivers to provide counsel, direction, and solution’s for special needs caregivers to ensure that both the current and future sustainable needs of the dependent ore met. These professional advisors do this by:
Read MoreWe’ve got a problem. A grown-up problem. It’s certainly a GOOD problem to have, but, nevertheless, still a problem, and similar to all problems, it needs a solution. A grown-up solution.
Read MoreYour pediatrician is your quarterback, and if your child has multiple issues requiring technology, therapies, and home health nursing, your pediatrician’s office should serve as your medical home in the following ways:
Read MoreHow often has your child said, “I am bored, I have nothing to do.” There is so much new technology available for our children today to educate, communicate and entertain.
Read MoreNavigating bedtime and establishing healthy sleep habits for your children can be tricky. But if your child is not getting enough sleep, there can be negative outcomes.
Read MoreMorgan’s Inspiration Island, the world’s first ultra-accessible™ splash park, has been named to TIME Magazine’s first annual World’s Greatest Places list …
Read MoreHave you gone to see your child’s doctor with one plan in your head and left with a completely different one–a care plan that was created without an opportunity for you to voice your ideas, concerns or goals?
Read MoreEmerging as one of the most talked about artists of the new millennium, Grant Maniér (maun-yay), a young talented Eco-Artist combines his two worlds: autism and art. His obsession for paper became his form of art therapy. Grant is changing the perceptions of how to reduce, reuse, and recycle by creating extraordinary collages using thousands of pieces of recycled calendars, magazines, posters, puzzles and more.
Read MoreEighty percent (80%) of our environmental observation and learning occurs through vision. However, one in ten children and a staggering 60-80% of children with special needs, such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADD/ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Down’s Syndrome, and other genetic disabilities or developmental delays, have vision problems.
Read More“Your child is gifted and needs special education?” Many parents are all too familiar with this kind of comment. You may hear it from friends. From family. Even from some teachers and doctors.
Read MoreGoing back to school is always a fun and exciting time of year. For our family going back to school was a day we planned out in detail so our daughter, Victoria, would feel as comfortable as possible on the first day back to school. Over the years I received some great tips that helped our family with that first week of school:
Read MoreSpecial Kids Care opened in San Antonio in 2001 and over the last 17 years has become a leader in the pediatric home care community. They are committed to caring for their clients in the comfort of their own home, and building lasting relationships with families.
Read MoreECI is a statewide program that serves families with children birth to 36 months with developmental delays or disabilities.
Read MoreAs the largest health and human services provider in the country, ResCare offers daily living support services and in-home care, vocational training, job placement, pharmacy, rehab and behavioral health services for people of all ages and skill levels. Our care professionals work in thousands of communities across the United States – helping more than 2 million people each year.
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