Please Donate

here are so many great organizations that provide resources for children and young adults with special needs. Consider making a donation to help promote awareness and inclusion in our community.

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Exceptional Kids
Profile: Grant Maniér

Emerging as one of the most talked about artists of the new millennium, Grant Maniér (maun-yay), a young talented Eco-Artist combines his two worlds: autism and art. His obsession for paper became his form of art therapy. Grant is changing the perceptions of how to reduce, reuse, and recycle by creating extraordinary collages using thousands of pieces of recycled calendars, magazines, posters, puzzles and more. 

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ProfileExceptional Kidsprofile
Developmental Vision: More than Meets the Eye

Eighty percent (80%) of our environmental observation and learning occurs through vision. However, one in ten children and a staggering 60-80% of children with special needs, such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADD/ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Down’s Syndrome, and other genetic disabilities or developmental delays, have vision problems. 

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HealthExceptional Kidshealth
Resource Spotlight: ResCare

As the largest health and human services provider in the country, ResCare offers daily living support services and in-home care, vocational training, job placement, pharmacy, rehab and behavioral health services for people of all ages and skill levels. Our care professionals work in thousands of communities across the United States – helping more than 2 million people each year.

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